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Campari Icons 2023 — TAITE, Deadshot

Metro X Campari

Campari Icons 2023 — TAITE, Deadshot

Sep 17, 2023 Drinks

This year Negroni Week is celebrating its 11th birthday. After a decade of dedicating a single drink to raising money for charity, this year is focused on the timeless bonds that exist around this iconic drink – the bond between Campari and the Negroni; the bond between Campari and the bartending community; and the bond between Negroni Week and the community.

What bond do you have with the Negroni? Why is it special for you?

I think the Negroni was one of the first cocktails I was taught to make behind a bar and to me is a perfect example of a well balanced drink. Its simple, just three equal parts which makes it such an accessible drink for new bartenders and even for people at home.

Tell us about the best Negroni you ever had.

It’s hard to define the ‘best’ Negroni I’ve ever had. To me it’s more about the moment in time and the company I’m with. Drinking a Negroni means relaxation – it marks the start of a nice dinner or the end of a work day (or night in my case). I’m also drinking a Negroni as I answer this and I think it might just be the best I’ve ever had.

What is special about the Quill cocktail and your bond with it?I think simplicity is key when it comes to a Negroni, a Quill is a drink that stays true to form but adds just a touch of absinthe that slightly dries the drink out as well as lengthens it. To me its the perfect end of shift drink!

Do you remember your best conversation / moment involving a Negroni?

Some of the my favourite regulars I’ve had in the bar have been due to us bonding over negronis. Also for my mother’s 50th birthday party I batched three litres of Negronis and drank about half of it which I very much regretted the next day. Me drinking a lot of Negronis seems to be a common theme.

How do you bond with your customers and give them a lasting impression?

I welcome everyone through our door like an old friend, each group should feel as welcome in the bar as the next. I like to chat to people about their day, talk to them about where they went for dinner and try to make friends before I even begin chatting about drinks. It helps people open up and feel more comfortable which makes the bar feel more homely.

How have you seen The Negroni change over your career? Has it grown more popular?

I mean a Negroni is such an instantly recognisable drink, as soon as you see the bright red colour you know exactly what’s in front of you. Trends come and go but the Negroni is timeless.

People always have a favourite bar, drink, bartender they love to tell their friends about. What do you think makes the bond between bartenders and cocktail lovers so strong?

Well, we all love booze don’t we! But we also share moments, we share laughs  and we share good chats. There is no stress and no expectations except for having a good drink and a good time.

What would you like to see start, stop, change within our industry to help develop strong timeless bonds continuing?

I wanna see more pop ups and takeovers. It gives not just bartenders but anyone that is passionate about the industry an opportunity to showcase our individuality, what we love and how we like to do it.



30ml Campari
30ml London Dry Gin
30ml Rosso Vermouth
Dash Absinthe

Stir over ice and strain into Old Fashioned Glass over large ice block
Add few dashes of absinthe
Express lemon oils
Garnish with Lemon Twist

Negroni Week runs 18 — 24 September at bars around the country.
See more on Campari’s instagram here


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