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Self isolating due to the coronavirus? Get Top 50 Cheap Eats delivered straight to your home

Self isolating due to the coronavirus? Get your food delivered straight to your home.

Self isolating due to the coronavirus? Get Top 50 Cheap Eats delivered straight to your home

Mar 18, 2020 Cheap Eats

We have done some research and pulled together a list of restaurants taken from our Metro Top 50 Cheap Eats 2020 list which offer meal delivery services like Uber Eats and Gogo, for those of us in self-isolation or practising social distancing due to the spread of coronavirus.

GOGO and EASI are both predominantly Chinese food delivery apps which can be downloaded on your phone. They both currently have English versions so can be easily navigated by English speakers. Since they don’t have an English website, we have not linked it here – use the in-app search bar.

HungryPanda is another popular food delivery service which does not have an English-supported app. If you can read Chinese, this is another good option to search for your favourite outlets on.

Have we missed any? Email us at We will keep this list updated where we can.

Baifu Dumplings

475 Khyber Pass Rd, Newmarket


Bo’s Dumplings

14-18 McDonald St, Morningside

Uber Eats

Burger Burger

4 Brown St, Ponsonby (also at 3B York St, Newmarket, and 40 Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna)


Chongqing Noodles

340 Dominion Rd, Balmoral (also at 23A Wellesley St, central city)


Eden Noodles

105 Dominion Rd, Balmoral


Guilin Rice Noodles

263 Dominion Rd, Balmoral


King Made Noodles

48 Fort St, central city

Uber Eats | 

Kiss Kiss

1 Rocklands Ave, Balmoral

Uber Eats

Petra Shawarma

482 New North Rd, Kingsland

Uber Eats

Sneaky Snacky

Lim Chour Food Court, 184 Karangahape Rd, central city

EASI | MenuLog

Sunny Town

10-14 Lorne St, central city

Uber Eats

Tianze Dumpling House

695 Sandringham Rd, Sandringham


Wang Wang Spring Pancake

704 Dominion Rd, Balmoral


Xi’an Food Bar

11 Anzac Ave, central city (also at 650 Dominion Rd, Balmoral; 11/945 New North Rd, Mt Albert; and 96 Rosedale Rd, Rosedale)


Zool Zool

405 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden

Uber Eats


Metro N°446 is Out Now shadow

Metro N°446 is Out Now

In the Autumn 2025 issue of Metro: Cheap Eats is back with the top 50 places to eat in Auckland for under $25. Delight your eyes with a bumper Contemporary Art Special including Emma McIntyre, Ann Shelton, Greer Twiss, Areez Katki, Bob Harvey's memories of The McCahon House parties and a scooter-load of reviews from Sam Te Kani. PLUS: The fall of David Grr, the recovery of Golriz Ghahraman, Anna Rankin spends an afternoon at St Lukes Foodcourt, Metro meets Awful Food Reviews and more!

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