Apr 27, 2013 Theatre
NZ International Comedy Festival has launch off. We hate to pick favourites so early in the game, but after a raucous night at The Civic, we can confidently say audiences are in for a good serving of comedy from now until May 16. And, yeah, we’re going to pick some favourites.
The Comedy Gala gave 21 comedians the chance to flash their best bits in a four-minute set. It was cruel really. No time to tantalise the crowd into their expertly-timed out stories. Here’s six seven who left us wanting more. We’ll be grabbing tickets to their solo shows.
James Acaster, UK. Such weird body language. Such hilarious, perfectly crafted, and oddly polite material.
Arj Barker, USA. There’s nothing polite about Arj Barker, Flight of the Conchords’ best mate. His diarrhoea ditty brought the house down.
Guy Williams, NZ. Showed why he picked up the Billy T Award last year. He really is one of our best.
Tom Green, Canada. One of the biggest international drawcards of the fest served up a big, loud performance. And he took the time to localise his jokes. Aww.
James Nokise, NZ. This Wellingtonian has got all the moves – camp and gangsta.
Markus Birdman, UK. Sharp English wit.
Heath Franklin’s Chopper, Australia. Gotta say, we’re not the hugest fans of his work on 7 Days but the loveable rogue has won us over.
You can check out highlights from the Comedy Gala at home Sunday night, April 28, 8.35pm on TV3. Tell us your faves.
NZ International Comedy Festival, April 26-May 16.